Hierarchical Density Factorization with Chocloton

Density Estimation using Multi-Agent Optimization & Rewards

Rohan Kotwani
Published in
10 min readMar 27, 2020



The purpose, problem statement, and potential applications came from this post on datasciencecentral.com. The goal is to approximate any multi-variate distribution using a weighted sum of kernels. Here, a kernel refers to a parameterized distribution. This method of using a decaying weighted sum of kernels to approximate a distribution is similar to a Taylor series where a function can be approximated, around a point, using the function’s derivatives.


  • Approximate any empirical distribution
  • Build a parameterized density estimator
  • Outlier detection and dataset noise reduction

The Approach

This solution I came up with was incorporated into a python package, Chocloton. The example code can be found here.

My solution uses the following:
1. Particle Swarm\Genetic Optimizer
2. Multi-Agent Approximation using IID Kernels
3. Reinforcement Learning

Use Cases

  • With Density Factorization you can get multivariate density estimate, cluster assignment, and similar data points all in one shot.
  • After training, the HDRE model can assign a matrix of…

